Product Validation and Verification

Perfect Product Validation and
-verification of Complex Products

The ability to validate and verify products quickly and reliably is crucial for success when developing complex and configurable products. This is because the earlier errors and deviations from specifications are recognized in the development process, the more cost-effective it is to eliminate them. Studies prove this with the so-called rule of ten. This rule states that troubleshooting costs increase by a factor of ten at every stage of the product life cycle.

explore offers companies the necessary tools and methods to automate product verification, check the product specifications for fulfillment before they are released in order to identify and eliminate quality deficiencies at an early stage.

The Challenge

Late and Incomplete Fault Detection

The pressure to develop innovative products quickly without sacrificing quality is tremendous. The most common challenges in product validation and verification include:

Low Degree of Coverage and Blind Spots

Insufficient test coverage in product validation and verification leads to significant quality problems, increased costs and time delays. Potential errors or deficiencies remain undetected for a long time, impair product reliability, jeopardize safety and lead to product recalls and legal consequences. The later the errors are discovered, the more expensive they are to rectitfy. Customer dissatisfaction and loss of trust can damage the company's reputation and cost market share. Internally, inefficient processes and a demotivated workforce lead to further challenges that impair the company's long-term ability to innovate and compete.

Manual Effort

Manual efforts arise primarily when carrying out tests, inspecting products and documenting results, which often depend on the skills and accuracy of the people involved. These activities have a high probability of errors, are time-consuming and cost-intensive and lead to inconsistent results. They are difficult to scale and make the documentation and traceability of processes more difficult. These factors unnecessarily extend development times, further increase costs and impair product quality. Automation and standardized processes are necessary to overcome these challenges and improve efficiency.

Missing Product Variants

Product variants that are not considered result in incomplete test coverage and limited reliability, as not all possible configurations and variants are represented. This leads to undetected vulnerabilities and reduces the level of maturity. Regulatory risks and legal consequences can occur if not all variants meet the required standards. Overall, missing product variants jeopardize the necessary degree of validation coverage and the smooth ramp-up of production.

Late Fault Detection

The later errors are identified, the more expensive it is to fix them. The “Rule of Ten” in product validation and verification states that the cost of rectifying an error increases by a factor of ten the later it is discovered in the product life cycle! Remediation is cheapest in the early phase and is becoming increasingly expensive in the prototype and production phase. The most costly errors are those that are only discovered after the market launch, as they require recalls and repairs and can damage the company's image.

Our Solution

Automated Validation Process

Quick and easy validation and verification with explore!

Icon zum Thema 'Prozesse'.

Process Management

With automated testing, continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) as well as comprehensive monitoring and logging explore guarantees the highest standards. Our solution ensures complete traceability of requirements and configuration management and thus enables precise and efficient problem solving. With automated checks, risk analyses, and iterative feedback loops, explore continuously improves the efficiency, accuracy and quality of your development!

Icon zum Thema 'Konfiguration'.


explore integrates and controls a wide variety of tools using parameters such as distances and accuracies, which increases flexibility and reusability when using automated tests. With maximum flexibility and adaptability explore enables fast iterations and detailed analyses. Customizable simulations and robustness tests minimize the likelihood of missing test coverage.

Icon zum Thema 'Simulation'.


explore makes it possible to handle complex data and processes visually, comprehensibly and interactively. With explore you can experience a detailed visualization of robots and their travel paths and thus gain deeper insights into the progress of production planning. Facilitated by clear visualizations of test results and risk analyses, explore simplifies data-based decision-making and problem solving and improves communication within the team. Discover with explore how innovative visualizations of your digital twins can revolutionize your development and planning processes!

Coverage Level

With explore you maximize the coverage of your product validation and verification Our advanced tools enable you to assess the degree of coverage of all important workflows and processes. By precisely identifying missing processes, explore ensures that no critical aspects are overlooked. The objective is to continuously increase the degree of coverage in order to ensure the quality of your products. Achieve seamless validation with explore, providing you with security and confidence in your development and planning processes!

Benefits for Your Company

Beherrschen Sie mit explore die Produktvalidierung und -verifikation und steigern Sie somit Ihre Gesamteffizienz!


error rate


test coverage rate


fewer delays in the production launch


recall rate